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Seasons Greetings everyone!  As the year comes to a close we wanted to share with you how grateful we are for your time and attention and offer you a free gift.  Look below at a short video and link to download your free gift!


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On Courage and Faith


“Courage is the path on which your work travels.
     Fear is just a pothole that you fill with faith.”
                       ~ Karon Phillips Goodman


Getting Uncomfortable

(Part Four of our series titled “Agility Training for Cancer Registrars”)

Changing out mindset or how we automatically respond to our work or life can make us uncomfortable.  However, this is necessary if we are to be responsible and achieve success and happiness.     

In his book, Excuses Begone, Dr Wayne Dyer gives a description of individual accountability and a process for stepping out of “autopilot” and into conscious thinking.  In my own experience, I know that by examining my past experiences, beliefs and value I hold I can challenge their validity and create a new mindset that is focused on positive outcomes, meaningful relationships and being the a good person and cancer registrar.              

Albert Einstein said, “The world we have created is a product of our way of thinking.”   So, the degree to which we practice mindfulness, or how we allow ourselves to become uncomfortable and the resulting change in our way of thinking, is what determines our success in life.  

It is not enough to briefly question a thought and simply dismiss it with a statement of, “that’s the way I was taught,” or “that’s just who I am.”  Accountability for our thoughts requires continual examination of past experiences, beliefs and values.  As cancer registrars, our mindset is constantly challenged.  Our personal value systems are often in competition with others and need to be put into perspective with the clinical and scientific facts as well as the patient and emotional components of cancer care.  Often this seems like a “stacked deck” against us.  But, by practicing conscious thinking, evaluating the facts and not emotions, and by making a mindful choice in how we will respond to the situation, we will earn our place as valuable members on the healthcare team.    

If you find that your first thought about a situation or proposed change is negative, then you can be encouraged by the knowledge that by simply thinking another thought, you can change your mindset and the outcome of a situation.  The first step to take is to replace the negative thought with a positive one.  Remember, your thoughts and behaviors are under your control.  Pessimistic and negative thinking are simply habits that can be changed.  

Here are three action steps to take in practicing mindfulness and accommodating change with positive results:

  1. Evaluate the evidence.  When you have that negative or pessimistic thought, stop and evaluate the evidence.  What are the facts, not the fears?
  2. Think about positive alternatives and outcomes.  For example, as you are doing your work on “autopilot” and encounter a new reporting rule, instead of complaining about it, stop and evaluate the facts, acknowledge the changes in medicine and patient care, and visualize how the change will improve the cancer patient’s care and quality of life.    
  3. Practice daily affirmations.  Each day practice saying to yourself, “when I have a negative thought I will immediately evaluate the facts and think of positive alternatives.”  This will be a little awkward at first, but after practice it will become easier and automatic.  Each time you use this affirmation you will rewrite the negative thoughts in your mind and create new and positive solutions founded on fact and not emotion.  

Practice these three steps until it comes naturally and automatically.  You will be amazed at how easy it is to develop positive mindset to whatever happens in your day.  Use positive affirmations to reinforce your attitude and to build up core strengths and talents.  Cancer registrars who focus on their accountability and development of a positive mindset will be uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in their community and profession. 

Tell us, what are you doing to change your thoughts and reactions to your work and life?  Do you use positive affirmations?  If so, what have you found to have the most profound, positive impact on your life?  Michele Webb, America’s Cancer Registry Coach, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR).  She cares passionately about helping cancer registrars around the world to grow personally and professionally and serves her community as a motivational speaker, author, and educator.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and link back to her website.       


Embracing Uncertainty (the video)

One thing we know for sure today is that change and uncertainty happens daily.  How we choose to react to uncertainty can either paralyze us with fear or thrust us into a world of new possibilities.  In this article cancer registrars are given four ways to explore uncertainty in their life that will help them accept and accommodate change in order to bring about higher levels of growth and success and to develop agility and flexibility in the cancer registry.

We’ve created a video blog that compliments the complete article on this website.  You can watch it here!

Embrace Uncertainty

(Part Four of our series on “Agility Training for the Cancer Registrar”)

Much is said today in business, healthcare and Cancer Registry about change.  In fact, one thing I know for sure is that we, as cancer registry professionals, are undergoing an unprecedented degree of change right now which will continue well into our future.   Thinking about change today or projecting how it will impact our future can settle in on us like a dense fog and cause us to lose our bearings and sense of where we are.  We may not be sure of which way to go when we reach a fork in the road because we can’t see the choices in front of us because of the fog.  Uncertainty can paralyze us with fear or it can thrust us into a world of new possibilities.    

Change brings chaos into our normally well-ordered lives and introduces levels of unpredictability and uncertainty that make us uncomfortable.  Dealing with change is challenging, tiring and even threatening, but the flip side is that it provides the cancer registrar with tremendous opportunities for growth.  Let’s look at how we can focus on accommodating the change instead of railing against it. 

In the first article of our on developing agility in the cancer registry, we introduced embracing uncertainty as one way of becoming agile, or flexible in business.  Agile cancer registrars will drive out uncertainty by developing working solutions and adjusting the registry’s operations in order to accommodate change.  Dealing with uncertainty in a positive manner and being willing to accept things that are unknown or unpredictable are big parts of learning to be agile. 

To help you face the challenges in a positive manner and to increase your agility in the cancer registry and healthcare business, here are four ways you can explore change:

  • Accept reality without fussing about the outcome.  Face reality with no judgment.  Think of the unknown as neutral rather than good or bad.  Let go and detach from any outcome you cannot control.  Keep your options open.
  • Explore the unknown.  Ask yourself these questions:
    • What are all the things that are great about being a cancer registrar?
    • What is the worst that can happen?
    • What is the likelihood that the worse will happen?
    • If the worst were to happen, what do I need to do prepare?
  • Interrupt worry.  The unknown can cause us to worry to the point of doing physical harm, but only if you let it.  When worry starts to creep into your thoughts, interrupt it!  Simply do not allow it to take hold of you.  Here is how you can interrupt worry:
    • Get busy:  occupy your body and your mind will follow.
    • Put it off:  decide to enjoy today and maybe you’ll worry tomorrow – if it feels right.
    • Turn it over:  write down your worry, put it in a box, and turn it over to a higher power.
    • Hum a tune:  it is impossible to worry when you’re singing or humming, even if it is not out loud.  Find a song that gives you strength.  “A Beautiful Day” by India.Arie is a great one.  
  • Trust yourself.  You’ve probably faced change and challenges in the past.  Reflect on those times and remind yourself how well you handled them, even though you may have been uncomfortable at the time.  Trust in your abilities, thoughts and experience to take you through the transition.  

None of us can be certain about tomorrow or the future of cancer registry.  We can fret and fume about it, but no matter how much noise we make, we cannot control it.  What we CAN do, each of us as cancer registry professionals, is make the most of each moment…each NOW….because that is really all we have.  Only you can bring peace and acceptance of the unknown to you.  

Accepting change and allowing uncertainty into our lives can lead us to a higher state of functioning as cancer registrars.  Embracing uncertainty, then, is really just an engaging process in which we let go of control.  Think of this as a spiraling UP in complexity, moving up the ladder of intellectual, emotional and professional growth.  Engage your co-workers, peers and leaders in the process of embracing uncertainty.  Don’t be afraid to network and ask for help and guidance where needed.  By welcoming uncertainty and unpredictability into your life you will be expanding your horizons and developing agility in your cancer registry that will lead to great success and self-fulfillment!

WHAT DO YOU THINK?  How are you accomodating change and uncertainty in your cancer registry and life?  Send us your feedback or thoughts on this article and critic topic today.  Michele Webb, America’s Cancer Registry Coach, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR).  She cares passionately about helping cancer registrars around the world to grow personally and professionally and serves her community as a motivational speaker, author, and educator.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and link back to her website.        


Challenge Your Assumptions

(Part Three of Our Series on “Agility Training for the Cancer Registrar)

Assumptions make our lives easier.  As creatures of habit we frequently rely on our assumptions and past experiences to drive our actions.  Most of our day, with few exceptions, is driven by our unconscious assumptions and habits developed over time versus creative thinking and new conscious thought.    

For example, when cooking over an open flame you automatically draw your hand back when you feel heat from the flame.  This “stimulus-thought-response” chain of events relates to pain you previously felt from burning your hand.  This automatic assumption serves you well and avoids a painful experience.    

In business, however, this is often not the case.  Cancer Registrars, for example, may use any number of assumptions, or statements of belief about their work, such as: 

  • “That won’t work here.”
  • “I’ve tried that before.”
  • “We don’t get support for that here.”
  • “They just don’t listen to me.”

Brilliant, and successful, Cancer Registrars know that these assumptions can be challenged and take great pleasure in defying them.  They welcome the opportunity to look within themselves, to create a new energy and develop new directions to solving problems or leading their Cancer Registry in a different direction.  

Each of us has an inner reservoir of talent, ability, and intelligence.  It is endless and readily available if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone to tap into these resources.  Whatever you face, taking one step closer to success means you must trust your inner self, ignore criticism and judgment, and let go of your own resistance to doing something differently or believing that you can make a difference.  Developing a new habit or behavior, based on what you know in your heart to be the right thing to do, is all the evidence you need to make your passion become reality.  This mindset is what creates harmony and balance in life and business and determines your path between success and failure.   

Here are six tips to help you challenge your assumptions:

  1. Recognize that you, and everyone else, have assumptions about every situation.
  2. Ask basic questions in order to discover and challenge those assumptions.
  3. Compare the ground rules and assumptions to your situation or problem and then ask yourself, “What if we do the opposite of the norm?”  
  4. Pretend you are not a Cancer Registrar and ask yourself, “Why do we do it this way at all?”
  5. Reduce the problem or situation to its most basic elements for understanding and creative problem solving.
  6. Restate the problem in completely different terms.

It is up to you to decide what you would like to do to drive growth and success in your Cancer Registry.  You must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to challenge your assumptions and develop new behaviors to help you grow personally and professionally.  By tapping into your inner resources you will develop a new mindset that is creative and in harmony with everyone you encounter. 

What assumptions are you challenging today?  How do you respond to “But we’ve always done it this way.”  Michele Webb, America’s Cancer Registry Coach, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR).  She cares passionately about helping cancer registrars around the world to grow personally and professionally and serves her community as a motivational speaker, author, and educator.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and link back to her website.        

Visualizing Success

(Part Two of Series “Agility Training for the Cancer Registrar)

Visualizing success, or turning dreams into reality, is a creative process that puts your focus and energies into looking ahead. Creative visualization is a technique that you can use to help you with this process. In the first part of our series on “Agility Training for Cancer Registrars,” we talked about visualizing success as part of meeting the challenges in life and business.  In this session we will learn how to visualize success and turns dreams into reality!

To turn your dreams into reality and to be truly successful depends on several factors:

  • Having a specific goal,
  • Making sure that you really want to achieve that goal,
  • Having a clear mental picture of your goal,
  • Being motivated or having a strong desire or need to achieve the goal,
  • Developing the ability to disregard, or even walk away from negative thoughts or talk that take you away from that goal,
  • Showing confidence, faith and persevering until you achieve success.

Imaging having your own personal genie in a bottle to fulfill your every dream or desire. When you develop the techniques and begin to practice creative visualization you are tapping into your personal genie. Focusing on the end result, thinking and acting in a positive manner and not letting negativity (yours or anyone else’s) get in the way will empower you to continue on your journey.

Each morning I write out my “to do” list for the day on a 4×6 index card. On the right-hand side of the card I write my vision statement for my business. On the left-hand side I write down the most important things I need to do that day that will take me closer to my vision and goal. Then, I focus on the action steps and on completing the tasks that will help me reach my goal. By taking it one day at a time I know I will be successful. No one can deter me from this because I see my dream getting closer each and every day.

Discover what you need to do to visualize your dream and then, one day at a time, do something that takes you one step closer. Practice visualizing that success in your mind, focus on the positive, take action, even if only in small steps, and you will see your dreams come true!

Agility Training for Cancer Registrars

Cancer registrars need to be quick and agile to stay on top of the fast-paced changes and complexity in healthcare.  The markets we serve, physicians, hospitals, reporting agencies and patients are radically changing and becoming less predictable.  Each are more interrelated and interconnected than ever before.  As a result, the thinking patterns and decision-making processes we once used to manage our registries are becoming less applicable.     

The cancer registrar’s success is not about working harder, or even smarter, because we’re already doing that.  And, it’s not about being change agents, we’re doing that too.  Instead, dealing with this complexity involves making ourselves adaptable, flexible and quick to respond.  We need less strategic planning and more operational agility.  Here’s how: 

  • Visualize success.  What will success look like?  Having a clear picture of what success willl look like will ensure the ability to focus, maintain control and move in the right direction no matter what change or complexity comes your way.      
  • Challenge assumptions.  Quite often our biggest enemies are our own attitudes, beliefs and assumptions about our customers and markets we serve.  Constantly challenge your thoughts and look for others opinions to put your thoughts in perspective.  Ask a lot of “what if?” questions.
  • Embrace uncertainty.  For decades we’ve talked about managing change.  Now that we’re getting good at it we need to stop managing it and start creating it!  By embracing uncertainty you accept that you will not always have the answers you need and will open your mind to new possibilities and solutions.  You will need courage to make tough decisions without all the data in hand.  Uncertainty is the new “norm.” 
  • Get uncomfortable.  Practice thinking differently and evaluating your decision-making processes before implementing them.  Seek ways to deliver value that will change your business relationships and position you as the cancer data expert. 
  • Reinvent relationships.  Collaborate with physicians, administrators and staff in new and different ways.  Invite them to participate in your cancer registry’s activities by integrating them into the process from the beginning.  Ask your customers what they need and develop processes that serve their needs. 
  • Develop dexterity.  Structure your registry so you can quickly adjust to unexpected events.  Create laser focus and prioritize the work.  Keep your vision for success visible at all times by talking about it and physically putting it in front of you, your team and your customers on a regular basis.  Develop the ability to move fast with focus and flexibility. 

Oh, did I forget to mention that you have to do all this while being informing, inspiring and engaging your team and organization in the process?  Cancer registry leadership is not easy and, in fact, it is going to be more challenging than ever.  But, when you do it right you will be more fulfilled and achieve more success than ever before!

From Success to Service

What do you know for sure?  Seriously, have you ever sat down and thought this through.  If you haven’t, I highly recommend taking some to think about where you stand on life and where you stand as a contributing member.  Once you know where you stand as an individual, then take some time to describe where you stand as a cancer registrar.  What is important to you, where do you see yourself in this profession, career or service?  What is it that you want to accomplish and why?  This is serious stuff now, so don’t cheat yourself by repeating someone else’s thoughts or coming up with materialistic goals.  Really think it through and decide what it is that you know for sure!

Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everyone has the power for greatness – not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.”  What is your plan?  How do you want to take who you are, what you want to become and what you do well and use it for something greater than yourself? 

Now, here’s what I know for sure.  Real success comes when I surrender myself to a higher power and to those principles and values that I have chosen to guide my life and actions.  If I choose to become highly successful then my focus needs to be on how I can serve the needs of others and help others to be successful first.  You see, one of the keys to being successful is to not focus on success or worry about whether you are successful or not, instead it is to work on doing something of significance or of value for someone else.  For cancer registrars this means our co-workers, staff, physicians, administrators, hospitals and the patients we serve.  Every registry task, big or small, is about serving others. 

If you compromise ANY aspect of your work you have chosen failure over service or success.  It is as cut-and-dried as this.  You either serve others or you serve yourself and self-gratification never leads to success.  When we work on becoming a value-added member of the healthcare team we shift our focus from success to service.  By focusing on service we instantly add meaning and significance to our life work.  It is at this moment we truly become successful!  And, when you practice this mindset and behavior each day your level of success will grow into something that is beautiful and remarkable.

Loving Life as an Analytical Thinker

Experiencing life through the five senses is a wonderful ability that cancer registrars and analytical thinkers can possess.  This ability has potential for making a giant contribution to their lives.  Just like the mind, our senses also gathers information and feeds it to our nervous system.  But, this happens on a completely different level than pure mental analysis, it is a completely different kind of intelligence. 

In reality, when our senses are fully engaged, our analytical thinking often comes to a grinding stop.  It is in that moment that we can fully savor the moment or experience something special.  For example, when you stop to smell a fragrant rose, or you step outside or from a shadow into the warmth of sunshine, what do you feel?  Do you stop to analyze it, or do you just experience it? 

Analytical thinkers, like everyone, need to take those few moments to savor life and experience something that brings alive your senses.  Our mind does something wonderful in this moment when it takes a few moments to suspend its analyzing of information in order to let us experience and love life!

More to come on the wonderful characteristics of the cancer registrar’s analytical mind.  We hope you enjoyed this post and encourage you to take a few moments today to savor the moment or to experience something special in your life!

———————– Michele Webb, America’s Cancer Registry Coach, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR). She cares passionately about her work and enjoys helping others to become cancer registrars and grow professionally. She is a motivational speaker, published author, trainer and netpreneur in the exciting field of cancer registry and oncology health care. Copyright 2010, Michele A. Webb, All Rights Reserved.