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Fireworks, BBQ and Freedom

As a little girl I would start anticipating our local fireworks show weeks before the 4th of July even rolled around!  You see, being older, and being the only girl in the family, had its advantages!  Each year my dad and I, just the two of us, would drive from Los Banos to Newman, California, to watch the fireworks.  We would find the “perfect” spot on the bleachers and watch the other families staking out their seats and enjoy the festivities with all the other families around us.  Dad would always treat me to a candied popcorn (remember the pink bricks of popcorn?) and a Pepsi while we waited for what seemed like “forever” to a little girl.  But, when they dimmed the stadium lights everyone would quiet down and the excitement would build.  For a little town, Newman went “all out” and produced a fantastic fireworks show.  We would “ooh” and “ahh” with each colorful burst and shower and then talk about our favorites all the way home. 

Jennifer Quasha talked about this so simply and yet so eloquently in her blog published on Fox News.  You can read her thoughts about fireworks, freedom, and the 4th of July by clicking here.

Now that I am older I still love fireworks displays, BBQ’ing and time with family over the holiday.  But I also have come to appreciate the freedom we have in this country.  And, I am proud to say that my Dad served our country in order to preserve that freedom.  As I grew up and began looking at careers and making important life decisions, my folks encouraged me every step of the way.  But what really stands out is something my Dad told me.  He didn’t often counsel me but when he did, it stuck!  He said, “Sis, no matter what you do in life, your mother and I will love you and support you.  But, make sure it is something that will support you financially, that you like to do it, and you can do it well.” 

Being a cancer registrar has done just that for my life.  It’s like my own private, super-dooper, fireworks show.  I love the work and am proud to say that I am a certified cancer registrar.  I’ve been blessed with a career that has helped me serve the needs of my community and industry.  That’s what freedom does for us.  We can choose a career that uses our natural, God-given abilities, learn how to do it well and then enjoy the ride all the way! 

Here’s another gift that comes from freedom.  We don’t have to stop learning.  We are not forced to do one thing and then stop.  We can continually learn, improve and grow as industry experts.  As cancer registrars this is critically important.  That is why I created Registry Mindset.  It is an online, continuing education program that helps cancer registrars become industry experts in the clinical, scientific and professional aspects of their work.  Lastly, it’s easy and enjoyable and increases the cancer registrar’s value as they serve their communities and industry.  If you value your contribution to cancer registry, you are probably looking for those fireworks and memorable moments too to super-charge your career.  Look no further than Registry Mindset!

So, as you feast on BBQ this weekend and take the family to the park for the fireworks show, don’t forget to say “thank you” for the freedom you have.  Say “thank you” for being able to become a cancer registrar.  Sign up for Registry Mindset so that you can continue to be the “best of the best” in the industry as we serve our physician communities, hospitals and cancer care efforts nationwide and around the world! 

Have a blessed and happy Fourth of July holiday!


Michele Webb creator of the cancer registrar continuing education program,, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar, committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional education as a coach, mentor, motivational speaker and author.  You have permission to repost this article as long as do not alter it in any way and give a link back and credit to the author and this URL.   

Driving Yourself to Happy

Do you know how to drive yourself to happiness?  Cancer Registrars can add this simple technique to their tool box and not only drive their personal levels of happiness upward, but you can help others be happy along the way.  

Adults tend to pursue happiness by trying to get things that they think they lack.  Cancer Registrars, for example, may be looking for higher wages, job flexibility, recognition, autonomy or even authority and control.  Finding happiness to simply meet these material needs will likely not produce the results that you are seeking.  When attention and energy is focused on our own neediness, lasting happiness will not come our way.  It is a dangerous trap we set for ourselves when we are seeking to fulfill our personal needs, because when we don’t get what we want, we may end up feeling victimized, depressed and even angry about our work.  

Cancer Registrars who are serious about their influence as a leader in their organization’s cancer program activities will look to generate positive outcomes through kindness and helpfulness.  In contrast to authority and control, kindness, service to others and helpfulness can dramatically impact the positive forces in our lives.  Psychology has repeatedly shown us that one of the most powerful psychological conditions is gratitude.  

To release positive feelings and create collaboration and partnership with your team, simply start expressing your gratitude.  It is a known scientific and clinical fact that you cannot be angry, or feel fear, at the same time you are grateful or happy.  And, expressing gratitude by serving others will bring you the lasting happiness you need.  Positive feelings are as “contagious” as negative ones, but the outcome is dramatically different.  

Martha Beck, life coach for O, The Oprah Magazine, says “For your own sake, do something that’s not for your own sake.”  Wise words that cancer registrars can use each day. 

Make a conscious choice to find ways to express your gratitude to the physicians and staff in your cancer program.  Look for ways to help your partners to do their job better.  Don’t wait to be asked and don’t worry about getting permission, or being asked to do this, or even how it will impact the bottom line.  Choose to lead and serve others by using gratitude and positive influence, combined with your cancer registrar expertise, to drive yourself to happiness.  Not only will you exceed your own expectations, but you will ultimately receive the recognition and gratitude you were looking for all along.  


Wherever You Are


“Wherever you are in life right now is

your fault — good or bad.

YOU and only you are 100% responsible

for every current result in your life.”

~ SUCCESS Magazine