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Cancer Registrar Influence

You can watch a short video on this subject by clicking here

For most of us, the very thing that we tend to think of least is what has the greatest power to impact the success in our work and personal lives.  I’m talking about our personal influence.  What we believe in, think about, and the attitudes we choose radiate from us each and every day. 

Each of us have the gift of influence.  This ability comes from what we really are, not what we pretend to be.  As humans, we have the power and even the responsibility to choose our beliefs and actions and how we want to influence others. 

Each of us has the opportunity to select the qualities and behaviors that need improvement.  By choosing to work on our personal and professional growth we can not only dramatically change our own lives, but we can also change our influence on others. 

What is your power?  How do you influence others in your cancer registries, hospitals, organizations and even in your community?  We all have something that can be improved upon and I know that with a little thought and action, you can be a change maker and positively impact the world around you.  And, when you choose your attitude and mindset, you will be able to influence others with respect and empathy and prove your value as a cancer registrar.  

I hope that you watch the short video by clicking on the link above and that you share this with your friends and colleagues.  Tell us how you’re influencing people around you or what “your secret” is for demonstrating value by communicating with love, respect and empathy.  Just click on the “Leave Comment” button below and drop us a few short sentences.  Check out our professional growth courses at, the cancer registrar’s best resource for professional growth and top-quality continuing education programs. 


Michele Webb creator of the cancer registrar continuing education program,, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar, committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional education as a coach, mentor, motivational speaker and author.  You have permission to repost this article as long as do not alter it in any way and give a link back and credit to the author and this URL


4 comments to Cancer Registrar Influence

  • Karen Phillips

    Nice article! And I was impressed with your video clip. You have an excellent voice for teaching! It was very smooth and the accompanying graphics were very appropriate and eye catching. Have a good day!

  • Nadya Dimitrova

    Dear Michele,
    I was provoked to think about my influence as a cancer registrar after I listened to your video. I live and work in Sofia, Bulgaria. Motivational messages like yours are nor very popular in our country. More often I face negativity and rude attitude than encouragement and appreciation of my work. But I hope that this atmosphere can be changed by changing our mindsets toward more positive thinking and acting…

    • Nadya: Thank you so much for your comments! I think many cancer registrars face challenges with getting the support and encouragement they need. But, hang in there. Keep your mindset in the right place and people WILL notice. As a good friend of mine says … “Always take the high road – it’s ALWAYS best.” Easier said than done but I know you can do it. Feel free to contact me or to reach out to other cancer registrars too.

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