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Creating Greatness

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Each of us has the ability and opportunity every day to influence others.  How we choose to use that influence will determine whether it is in the best interest of the person, team or organization.  If you are like me, you probably want to help others be their best and to achieve their greatest possible levels of success.  This is what leadership is all about, influence for the good of the team and organization.

A leader’s influence is not determined by their job title, position within an organization, whether they are a certified cancer registrar or not.  To influence someone you simply need to have a vision of a better place or way to do something and care about bringing others along with you “for the ride.”  In fact, some of the best leaders today are those who do not have line authority or positional command but rather have drive, passion and motivation to help another individual.

Through meaningful connections with people and by having a desire to serve their needs and to see them achieve success instead of your own you will effectively lead others to greater levels of success.  Focus your goals and motivation around benefits for the team and organization and you will see team, and personal, success leap well beyond what you dreamed possible!

To do this, here are simple steps you can take today:

  1. Grab a notepad and find a quiet place.  Take notes as you ask yourself these two questions:  (a) Write down your goals, dreams and desires.  Ask, are they focused on the success and achievements of others, or for your own personal benefit?  (b) From your list, identify the goals, dreams and desires that will actually benefit the team or organization.
  2. Now, from the list above, create a second list and write down five (5) things you can do that will benefit the team or take the team closer to success or achievement of a specific goal.  Be realistic and honest.
  3. Lastly, take each of the five things you can do from step #2 above and start adding them to dates on your calendar or date book.  Identify who, what, where, why and how you can help the team reach these goals, put realistic dates and timelines to the tasks and then begin planning on how you will carry out this action plan.  Dreams without action are only pipe dreams and time wasters.  Cancer Registry leaders and those who desire to influence others will take the time to plan and put action into their goals for the good of the organization.

In summary, creating greatness with your team involves meaningful connections with others, focusing on the goals and benefit of the team, planning how you can help the team to achieve the goals and then carrying out that plan by influencing others to walk the path to success with you. This is what being a cancer registry leader is about!


Michele Webb creator of the cancer registrar continuing education program,, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar, committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional education as a coach, mentor, motivational speaker and author.  You have permission to repost this article as long as do not alter it in any way and give a link back and credit to the author and this URL.

1 comment to Creating Greatness

  • Karen Phillips

    Nice article! Good way to start off my Monday morning. Your website looks REALLY good! Hope you had a good productive weekend. It was humid and HOT here – glad we didn’t go to the UN-air-conditioned boat!

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