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How Do You Kill ANTs?

Automatic negative thoughts, or ANTs, are thoughts that come into our mind automatically and ruin our day or send us into a negative tailspin.  Dr. Daniel Aman, who developed the concept, talks of the destructive power of negative thoughts and how they alter the physical and chemical composition of our brains and literally destroy our mental and physical health.  

We should not believe every negative thought we have because our thoughts lie to us all the time!  It is our uninvestigated thoughts that turn us into mental midgets, make us sad or anxious, and erode our abilities as a Cancer Registrar.    

Our success as a Cancer Registrar depends on how we manage our thoughts and mindset.  ANTs may attempt to invade our mind, but through proper care and maintenance of our physical and mental health we can avoid disaster by managing the thought appropriately and “killing” the ANTs. 

Whenever you feel a negative or out-of-control thought, or have thoughts that are bothering you or making it hard to focus, Dr. Aman gives four questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is the thought true?  Is the thought that is upsetting me really true?  
  2. Can I know absolutely for sure that the thought is true?
  3. When I believe in the negative thought, how does it make me feel?  (physically, emotionally and spiritually)
  4. Who would I be, or how would I feel, without the thought?

Work through the four questions then turn the original thought around to its opposite and ask yourself the same four questions.  Is the opposite thought upsetting to you or true?  You may be surprised at what you learn through this simple exercise.  

Here’s an example of an upsetting thought:  “My hospital does not care about my work as a Cancer Registrar.”

  1. Is it true?  Of course not, you do have some control.
  2. Can I absolutely know that this thought is true?  No.
  3. How do I feel when I believe the negative thought?  Weak, inferior, sad, anxious, out of control, or worn out. 
  4. Who would I be, or how would I feel, without the thought?  Free to be in control and to be the best Cancer Registrar I can be.

Now, take that negative thought and turn it around to its opposite and ask yourself if the opposite of the upsetting thought is true?  I have complete control over my skills and quite a bit of control in how others perceive my value and contribution as a Cancer Registrar.

How will you use this technique to “kill ANTs?”  What ANTs have invaded your mind today and how did you handle them?  Post your response as a COMMENT below.  Michele Webb is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR) committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional development worldwide as a coach, mentor, educator, motivational speaker, and author.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and link back to this website.       

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