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Is Realistic Thinking for Cancer Registrars?

As we approach the Thanksgiving Day holiday we all look forward to spending time with family and friends, good food, rest, relaxation and just “getting away from it all” even if only for a day or so.  The holiday also gives us opportunity to appreciate the blessings we have in our lives.    

While this is good, we can, and should, maximize gratitude and our performance by learning realistic thinking.  Realistic thinking and daily thoughts of gratitude will not only enhance your value as a cancer registrar but they contribute to a healthier and happier lifestyle.  All this, literally, is 100% free and readily available.  Just imagine, no medical bills, no pills to take, no doctor visits.  Instead, it is a process we use to think about and react to our daily lives and the world around us. 

Now, realistic thinking is not about replacing negative thought with positive thoughts.  We will always have and be bombarded by negative thoughts in our society.  Instead, realistic thinking is the development of a process that helps you to change deeply ingrained habits of thought.  Your awareness will increase as your abilities to control your thought processes and reactions increase.  This, in a nutshell, is how you become a realistic thinker and move forward to a life of gratitude, happiness and success.  When you incorporate daily gratitude and appreciation with realistic thinking you become a “force to be reckoned with” and significantly enhance your ability to change your thought patterns and reactions. 

As cancer registrars our reactions to our workplace and environment are observed by others.  Negative thoughts and behaviors detract from our effectiveness as a cancer registrar and negatively impact the value our profession and industry has in patient care.  Just imagine the power and success that we can all experience if cancer registrars across the nation radically changed into realistic and grateful thinkers and doers!  I know that each of us has the capability to make this change.  I invite you to join me in evaluating your core behaviors and to adopt a realistic thinking process that will ensure your place in healthcare for the years to come. 

To learn more about realistic thinking and how to change your life, read this article titled,  “Taming Stressful Thoughts: Making Thoughts Work For You.” 

To learn more about how gratitude can improve your brain health, happiness and longevity visit Dr. Daniel Amen’s website by clicking here.

—————————————  Michele Webb is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR) who is committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional growth.  She helps cancer registrars around the world as a motivational speaker, author, and educator.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and link back to her website.       


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