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Love What You Do

We all have a mission for our lives. It is our job to find and live our this mission by using our talents and skills to do important work that serves others. Fulfilling this mission is hard to do when you become complacent, apathetic or uninvolved with your life. Cancer registrars are not immune to these feelings.

So, here you are…what are your options? First, you can change what you are doing by quitting your job or getting a new job, finding new work, going back to school or maybe even taking a risk and trying something new … whatever. But, whatever you do you need to move yourself into a new phase of your life and one that is passionate about your work and committed to using your talents to serve others.

It’s not uncommon to jump into something new because we want to find fulfillment and end up missing the best opportunities that are closest to us. So, before you leap, your second option is to discover or rediscover how to serve others and how to bring meaning to what you currently do.

This second option is almost always a better solution. There are many different ways that we can bring service and meaning to our lives, right in our immediate reach. For example, if you manage or lead people, ask yourself how you can better serve their needs? Cancer registrar’s can ask themselves how they can better serve the members of their organization’s cancer program? Really focus on finding that one thing you can do to add value to their work and the communities they serve? How can you add meaning and value to people around you? How can you make life better for your friends or family?

Finding your passion will probably not require that you to sign up for foreign service. But, it does require you to re-examine your current situation and to reach for new opportunities available to you. Keep in mind that this is not an easy pursuit and those closest to you may question your motives, not to mention you might end up scaring the daylights out of yourself! But, this is your best path to lifelong success and true passion. Persevere through the challenges and setbacks, don’t give up or settle for less. As you emerge through the challenges you will be able to receive joy, passion, fulfillment and success!

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