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Toss Out Those Resolutions

Every year millions of us celebrate a new beginning with family, friends and our favorite party favors.  The traditions continue forward as we make resolutions for our lives in the coming year.  The “usual” list of resolutions are no surprise, spending time with family and friends, getting fit, losing weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, enjoy life more, and get out of debt.  Now, you may (or may not) be surprised to learn that over 88% of us never live out those resolutions. 

I have an idea for cancer registrars!  Let’s just toss out all the resolutions.  Let’s stop making promises that you know you cannot keep or making excuses on why you didn’t get to your goal.  Instead, let’s look at a positive alternative to New Year’s Resolutions.  Are you ready?

Let’s pledge to each other to make a positive difference in each other’s lives in 2011.  No boundaries, no rules, no prerequisites or cash required.  When it is all said and done it is how we impact each other’s lives and how we make a difference in this world that matters anyway.  So, quit wasting your time with resolutions and instead, choose to focus your time and energy in something much more meaningful. 

Making a difference is really not that difficult.  Here’s a simple 3-step program:  1) listen to your inner voice and be true to yourself.  Some call it being “authentic.”  Listen to your spiritual self and know what makes you truly happy to set the foundation for making a difference.  Then, 2) be generous and kind with your words.  Develop an awareness of others around you and find something positive to say to people each day.  Be there to encourage, support and listen.  Your words and time spent with others matter more than you know.  Finally, 3) take action.  Don’t be afraid to take action on your thoughts or to respond quickly to a situation.  Never underestimate the impact your support and encouragement will have on others. 

As cancer registrars we are linked together around the globe by a common passion for our work and common need to be supported and inspired by one another.  All of us have equal responsibility, as a allied health professionals, to make a difference in someone’s life.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Leave a voice message with a cancer registry “buddy” who lives across the country saying you were thinking of them and just wanted to say “hi.”
  • Write a short, handwritten, thank you note to a fellow cancer registrar, employee, manager, administrator or physician.  Just send a simple “shout out.”
  • Throughout your day take a few minutes of your time to speak directly to somone else.  Reach out to them with your voice, a smile, compliment for a job well done, or to inquire about their health or family.  Take just a few minutes to engage in a personal conversation.
  • When you’re standing in the long line at your local coffee shop, turn around and smile and say “hello” to the person behind you.  Put the iPod or Blackberry away and engage in greeting someone with a smile and warm “hello.”

I know you’re already excited about getting started!  Don’t underestimate the power of one cancer registrar helping another, even with the simplest and most basic courtesy or kind word.  Would you like to get some extra “mojo” from making a difference?  Come back to this blog post every couple of days and let us know what you did for someone and how it made you feel?  You can make a difference in someone else’s life just by sharing what worked well for you.  I can guarantee that once you begin practicing making a difference that you will want, maybe even crave, helping someone else.  Before you know it, it will be a way of life and an important and positive part of your day. 

I look forward to helping you make a difference in 2011.  Happy New Year!  Michele Webb is committed to cancer registry leadership and to making a difference in the lives of cancer registrars worldwide.  She is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar (CTR) who cares passionately about her work and serving her community.  She is a motivational speaker, author and educator.  You have permission to repost this article as long as you do not alter it in any way, give credit tot he author and link back to this article on this website.

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