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PSA Testing

The PSA test for prostate cancer screening is not always 100% accurate, but in recent years some additional PSA testing studies have been developed to help the physician distinguish between a malignancy and other urologic conditions that influence the PSA level.  The May 2011 continuing education (CE) course for Registry Mindset members has been released and promises to help the cancer registrar understand how the physician uses these studies in their practice. 

If you are a working cancer registrar, or a cancer registry student, then this e-course is right for you!  To become a member today and begin taking advantage of high quality, cutting-edge courses click here.

Guide to Hematologic Malignancies

RegistryMindset released the April 2011 continuing education course this last week titled “Distinguishing Characteristics of Primary Hematologic Malignancies.”  This course, eligible for 1.0 CE credit hours from NCRA, guides the cancer registrar through identifying and understanding the differences between leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes.  Using simple and easy-to-understand analogies cancer registrars who take this course will be able to “step up their game” in case-finding and abstracting of these primary site cases. 

To become a member, click on “Register” in the menu bar above and get started today!

Cancer Registrars Keep Pace

Click here to watch a short video on this same topic

There are few things that we can be certain of in life today: death, taxes, and change.  And, the rate of change is speeding up – and rapidly.

In a recent article, Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine, noted that by 1900 it took 150 years to double all human knowledge.  Today, it doubles every one to two years and, by the year 2020 knowledge will double every 72 days!  Just imagine our lives where information and knowledge doubles every 2.5 months.  While Hardy is referencing a global knowledge base, healthcare is also impacted by the rapid explosion of personalized medicine, genetics and vaccines that is also growing at a comparable and astounding rate.  

Cancer Registrars are profoundly impacted by knowledge doubling and keeping pace with change has already impacted cancer registration in 2010.  This speed of change demands that the cancer registrar develops the mindset and skills to rapidly adapt to change by participating in constant continuing education and professional upgrading.  In fact, keeping one’s cancer registry certification (or CTR) means school is never really over. 

Today, Cancer Registrars must develop expertise in human capital, not just reimbursement or payer habits; master emotional intelligence, not just business competence; know how to collaborate, not just control; lead their healthcare partners through networks, not hierarchies; and align people through meaning and purpose, not reports and spreadsheets.  The most successful cancer registrars will rely more on emotional and relational aptitude rather than technical, financial or even clinical expertise.    Emotional aptitude is expressed as self-awareness, self-confidence, self-management, ability to motivate oneself and others, and empathy.  Relational aptitude and skills are demonstrated by an ability to communicate, manage time, networking, team-building AND meeting the need and wants of people you interact with, and depend on, to perform your work.     

Ultimately, the cancer registrars who succeed in the next decade will be those who can adopt a continual professional upgrading program that includes clinical, relational and emotional skill sets AND develop leadership in others.  Cancer Registry leadership is not about getting others to agree with you or to follow you, but rather building leadership in everyone around you.   Cancer Registrars will do this by developing the mindset, emotional intelligence, and skill sets so everyone can lead themselves in this constantly changing environment, thus aligning and leading all healthcare partners and organizations to achieving their greater goals.   

So, it all comes down to this.  The cancer registry leaders of the next decade will be those individuals who can develop leaders and serve the needs of their healthcare partners and organizations the fastest.  Where will you be in the next decade?  Lagging behind or keeping pace?  

LEAVE A REPLY BELOW:  What will you be doing to keep pace as a cancer registry leader in the next decade?   

Michele Webb creator of the only monthly, online cancer registrar continuing education program,, is a nationally recognized, certified cancer registrar, committed to Cancer Registry leadership and professional education as a coach, mentor, motivational speaker and author.  You have permission to repost this article as long as do not alter it in any way and give a link back and credit to the author on this website.  


CTR Credential Maintenance

Once again it is time for cancer registrars who took their CTR exam in the even-numbered years to start pulling their files together with all the documentation for their CE units for the past two years.  For some folks they have an over-abundance of credits and never worry about this process.  But for others, you may be worrying about whether you have all the right documents in place, or if you even have all the credits you need.  If you find yourself in this latter group, then read further!

There is a revolutionary cancer registry continuing education program available to you!  This program is 100% online meaning you can get CE credits, eligible for NCRA credential maintenance, from the comfort of your home or office.  Yes, it’s THAT simple!  This program is designed by, and for, cancer registrars and offers a monthly CE course, equivalent to 0.5 to 1.0 credit hours.  All you have to do is go to the website, sign up, pay for your subscription and then every month you get an email announcing the new course.  Once you take the course there is a CE quiz and you print your certificate of completion.  Viola!
Then, to make this an even better program, there are some bonus materials by way of audio or video programs, downloadable PDF documents and other resources that you can use in your registry.  These are all provided in addition to the monthly membership.  Memberships require a very reasonable investment that is more than competitive with the going rates for cancer registry webinars and other educational programs. 
So, what are you waiting for?  Go check this out by clicking on the title above, or click here.  You have nothing to lose and can only benefit from this exciting program!
BTW – in the next 2-3 weeks we will redesigning the website with a great new, streamlined look.  Stay tuned for more updates.