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Your Emotional Health

Nurturing Your Well-Being

We know that taking care of our physical health is important. Not smoking, drinking in moderation, eating right and exercising are all important aspects of our physical health. But, do you take care of your emotional health too? Do you have an overall sense of happiness and well-being?

Webster’s Dictionary defines well-being as “a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity; welfare.”

High levels of well-being have been shown to:

  • Lower a person’s risk of disease, illness and injury
  • A more efficient-functioning immune system
  • Living a longer, better quality of life
  • Functioning at a higher level of work, increased productivity

Stated another way, maintaining a positive outlook, expressing gratitude and being happy goes a long way to protecting your overall health and well-being. According to the Mental Health America website, here are some things you can do to achieve a greater sense of well-being:

  • Spend quality time with your family and friends; get out, socialize and meet new people.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your life, not the negative.
  • Develop a regular habit of physical exercise and eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables and less meat proteins, sugary drinks or unhealthy carbs.
  • Practice gratitude and caring for someone else.
  • Laugh a lot and don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Get 6-8 hours sleep each night and stay hydrated.
  • Meditate or focus on your spiritual needs.

By making frequent small changes in your life you will see your well-being and happiness increase. Each of us is capable of improving our well-being but you do have to start to reap the benefit.